Stock Prices on Telegram.
Fetch Price Information of your favorite Stocks directly in your Telegram Chat & analyze the Stock Market together!
See how it works!What does /sp do?
The Stock Price command on our Telegram Bot is a game-changer for Trading Communities and Stock enthusiasts. This command lets you fetch real-time price data from your favorite Stock Exchanges and display the price tickers directly in your telegram chat. Never miss a market move again!
This command offers more than just price information. It's a comprehensive tool that provides key data points such as stock market cap, trading volume, price changes over various timeframes, dividend yield and more. The quick access to this information helps users to stay updated with the Stock market and keep track of their trades.
How /sp Command Works
Use the /sp command to check the price information, dividends and more of thousands of stocks and analyze the stock markets straight from your Telegram Group or Chat. Here's a little overview, how the /sp command on our Telegram Bot works.
/sp ticker
Command Syntax 💡
To Fetch Stock Price Information, Dividends & more, initiate the /sp command. Start a request by specifying a ticker as the first parameter. You need to specify the Ticker according to Yahoo Finance, so for example "AAPL" for Apple and "TSLA" for Tesla.
/sp aapl
/sp tsla
Command Examples 🤖
Here you can see some working examples of the command, with individual parameters. Try it!
Chat Example ✨
Using the /sp telegram command is pretty simple and straightforward. Check out this example, how using this command in a chat with CoinTrendzBot could look like!
Start using the Stock Price Information Command
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