Long/Short Ratio on Telegram.

Monitor the Long and Short Ratio of your favorite coins directly in your Telegram Chat!

See how it works!
Crypto Short Long Ratio Telegram Bot

What does /ratio do?

The "/ratio" feature on Telegram is a tool that allows users to check the short and long ratios of various coins, providing insights into market sentiment and potential extremes. This feature enables users to gauge the balance between short and long positions for a more informed trading perspective.

This feature fetches real-time data on short and long positions, analyzes the ratios, and provides users with a summary of the market sentiment. This data can help users make more informed decisions by understanding the prevailing sentiment and potential market dynamics.

How /ratio Command Works

Use the /ratio command to check the long/short ratio of various cryptocurrencies and see if its balanced. Here's a little overview, how the /ratio command on our Telegram Bot works.

Command Format
/ratio ticker timeframe

Command Syntax 💡

To fetch the Crypto Long/Short Ratio, initiate the /ratio command. Start a request by specifying a ticker as the first parameter. You need to specify the symbols according to Binance, so for example "ethusdt" for Ethereum/USDT Tradingpair. Optionally you can also specify a timeframe, where the requested token information should be taken of.

Command Examples
/ratio ethusdt
/ratio btcusdt 4h
/ratio ethbtc 1d

Command Examples 🤖

Here you can see some working examples of the command, with individual parameters. Try it!

Chat Example ✨

Using the /ratio telegram command is pretty simple and straightforward. Check out this example, how using this command in a chat with CoinTrendzBot could look like!

October 22, 2024
Telegram Bot User
/ratio btcusdt 1h
09:04 am
Telegram Long Short Ratio Bot
09:04 am
CoinTrendz Bot

Only Pro-Users can access this Command

This is a Pro Version Command!

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The '/ratio' command fetches real-time market data on short and long positions from crypto exchanges like binance and analyzes the ratio between how many are currently longing and shorting the crypto market! Using this valuable information, you are able to understand the market dynamics and sentiment better to decide if you want to enter a trade or not.

The Long/Short ratio command will tell you how much percent of the market participants are currently in a long position and how many are short. Further it will tell you the Ratio and timeframe of the data.

The Crypto Long/Short Ratio Command is only available to Pro Version Subscribers and is not included in the Free Version of CoinTrendzBot. The Pro Version comes Advertisement-Free and with a wide range of extra features like this one.

Absolutely! The Long/Short Ratio command can be used both in Telegram Groups and in Personal Chats! Don't hesitate and try it now.

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