Crypto ATH Prices on Telegram.
Fetch the All-Time-High of thousands of Coins directly in your Telegram Chat & get notified when they enter price discovery!
See how it works!What does /ath do?
The Crypto ATH command on our Telegram Bot is a game-changer for Crypto Communities and Traders. This command lets you fetch the All-Time-High Price of any Coin directly in your telegram chat. Get notified when a Coin enters price discovery!
Imagine being able to quickly retrieve essential information about a coins historical peak performance and the highest price it has ever reached. Find out how the coin has to perform to reach its All-Time-High Price and at what date the ATH occurred.
How /ath Command Works
Use the /ath command to fetch the ATH Prices and Dates of all Coins from Coingecko straight in your Telegram Group or Chat. Here's a little overview, how the /ath command on our Telegram Bot works.
/ath symbol
Command Syntax 💡
To Fetch ATH Price Information, initiate the /ath command. Start a request by specifying a symbol as the first parameter. You need to specify the symbols according to Coingecko, so for example "eth" for Ethereum.
/ath eth
/ath btc
/ath gmx
Command Examples 🤖
Here you can see some working examples of the command, with individual parameters. Try it!
Chat Example ✨
Using the /ath telegram command is pretty simple and straightforward. Check out this example, how using this command in a chat with CoinTrendzBot could look like!
Start using the ATH Price Command
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