Fetch the price, volume, marketcap of any coin listed on coingecko.
Display a tradingview chart of any given crypo tradingpair on any exchange.
Get the technical indicators and analysis on any given coin.
Fetch Trading Ideas from Experts on Tradingview.
Display a pricechange heatmap of the top 500 coins.
Display an RSI heatmap of the top 500 coins.
Fetch price information directly from your favorite blockchain.
Display a chart with the price directly from a blockchain
Check the Volume change over a specific timeframe.
Fetch the All-Time-High price of any coin.
Fetch the All-Time-Low price of any coin.
Display the Orderbook Chart of any coin listed on a given exchange.
Fetch the Bitcoin Dominance chart.
Get the live funding rates on any given market listed on binance.
Fetch the Open Interest from different crypto trading exchanges.
Crypto Liquidation Heatmap & Stats across multiple Exchanges.
Find out on which Exchange any specific Coin from Coingecko is listed.
Get a short description about the coin and project.
List the most-trending coins by search volume on coingecko.
Check the current staking rewards for staking ethereum tokens.
Get Stats on the upcoming halving and a Bitcoin Halving Countdown.
Fetch the current Gas fees/costs to interact on the Ethereum Network.
Display the overall Crypto Marketcap, Dominance, Volume and more.
Compare two Coins by Marketcap and calculate the hypothetical price.
Display the most oversold/overbought coins on coingecko.
Get the Top 10 cryptocurrencies sorted by marketcap.
Fetch the best price performers.
Fetch the worst price performers.
Display a Sentiment chart on the overall crypto market.
Fetch the latest and hottest News about any coin.
See the upcoming Events on any coin.
Fetch the latest/hottest Reddit posts about any given subreddit.
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Get a tradingview stock chart in your desired timeframe with technical indicators and more.
Fetch Price Information, Dividend Yield and more of any stock / etf.
Display the Stock Market Trading hours and find out which exchange is open/closed.
Fetch the most important FED Events like CPI,PPI & FOMC.
Display the live forex rates of the most traded international currencies.
Fetch a random crypto-related Meme, just for fun.
Display a random GIF Animation.
Fetch a random inspirational quote to motivate you for the day.
Display a random joke and have a laugh.
Use this command to generate a random cocktail or drink.
Set price alerts on any coin and get notified once it hits your desired price.
Set RSI alerts and get notified when a coin hits oversold/overbought.
Create a Watchlist and get notified on price changes.
Fetch the biggest trades on any coin from binance.
Check out the biggest orders on any coin on binance.
Create a Chart with the most discussed Coins across Telegram Chats.
Fetch a search-volume chart of any cryptocurrencies/words.
Quickly analze any orderbook and find out if it has more sells/buys.
Create a list of your favorites coins and check price data all at once.
Display the Long/Short ratio and see if its balanced.
Analyze any Crypto or Stock Charts with ChatGPT.
ChatGPT analyzes the Technical Indicators of any coin.
Let ChatGPT generate a Trading Strategy for you.
Get a AI-generated Summary of any website/pdf/whitepaper.
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